Casino Oxygen Myth 6,0/10 1892 reviews

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Casinos Pump Oxygen to keep Players Awake This particular myth is a famous one that has been revolving around the casino for years. Individuals may or may not have heard about the same and wondered all about the logic behind the same. As a casino is very close to 1 atm. Even pure oxygen would not be dangerous to health but an extreme fire risk. An increase in oxygen of 10% (10% more than usually) would be around 23% of the air being oxygen (to normal 21%) giving a partial pressure of 0.23 atm. – Bent Nov 17 '16 at 14:02.

31 members have voted

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Inside the the Edge is a very recent documentary that follows a professional blackjack player as he travels the country in an RV playing at every casino with the game along the way. Along the way, experts, including yours truly *ahem* explain the math, terminology, and legal issues in greater depth. Here is the trailer:

I watched it on iTunes and am waiting for the DVD from Amazon.
I've ranted that card counting seems to be always depicted as an easy way to make a windfall of money in the movies and television. Rain Man and 21 come immediately to mind. Inside the Edge is the non-fictional work that actually shows what it's like. I must admit I've been saying that card counting is dead or nearly-dead and this movie proves me wrong. However, it does show KC, the main character, getting 86'd and trespassed right and left, and sometimes worse.
The lineup of experts giving commentary is outstanding, if I may toot my own horn. Many of the big names, including James Grosjean, are in it.
BTW, this is not my first movie. I play a similar roll, but talking about slots, in Ka-ching -- Pokie Nation, another great movie.
The question for the poll is what is your review of Inside the Edge?
It's not whether you win or lose; it's whether or not you had a good bet.
I just purchased it from Amazon prime streaming for $8. Not bad.
Will watch tonight.
Looks like hidden cameras used for casinos interior.
One of the things that annoyed me about the Christian Blackjack team doc was they seemed to have pro cameras following them around inside the casinos.
I mean, if the casino sees a camera man following you around??? That and other things about that doc made me highly suspect it was staged.
This one appears more real.
Thoughts after I watch. Thx
He didn’t go to EVERY casino along the path. His friend is filming. There’s also at least a couple casinos he’s going into mainly for the purpose of getting trespassed/the footage, he otherwise would have known better as an experienced networked player (the one where he’s getting harassed by cops, for sure he knew that wasn’t going to be pleasant and he wasn’t getting much EV before entering). It was good overall, a bit short.

He didn’t go to EVERY casino along the path. His friend is filming. There’s also at least a couple casinos he’s going into mainly for the purpose of getting trespassed/the footage, he otherwise would have known better as an experienced networked player (the one where he’s getting harassed by cops, for sure he knew that wasn’t going to be pleasant and he wasn’t getting much EV before entering). It was good overall, a bit short.

From remarks made and style of play, it seemed KC (is that right?) wanted to go out in a blaze of glory and do something else with his life afterward.
Maybe I missed it, but I don't recall him explaining who was doing the secret recording. At various times in the movie he complained about being lonely. I wondered why the secret cameraman didn't keep him company between sessions.
It's not whether you win or lose; it's whether or not you had a good bet.
Casino Oxygen Myth

From remarks made and style of play, it seemed KC (is that right?) wanted to go out in a blaze of glory and do something else with his life afterward.
Maybe I missed it, but I don't recall him explaining who was doing the secret recording. At various times in the movie he complained about being lonely. I wondered why the secret cameraman didn't keep him company between sessions.

Quotes below from a chat on Norms site in 2012 (this film has been supposedly coming out for a long time now.) It sort of seemed like he was solo some of the time I agree.
“I was always scared for my partner Chris, who carried and wore the cameras.”
“I decided to go out on a limb and travel the entire country as the last chapter of my career. My friend and filmmaker, Chris Buddy, thought it would make an excellent cinematic experience so I let him tag along and document the whole trip.”

Casino Oxygen Myth Documentary

The film shows a surveillance flyer of Chris when he’s talking about casinos overreacting.Wizard
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Quotes below from a chat on Norms site in 2012 (this film has been supposedly coming out for a long time now.)


Casino Oxygen Myth Definition

Thanks for the comments. You can tell the film was in progress for a long time by the color of my hair. It was only about 10% grey at the time of my scenes. Now it's 90%.
It's not whether you win or lose; it's whether or not you had a good bet.
I was a little disappointed in it. I guess I was hoping to see more footage of him actually playing in the casinos. I'm not sure that I learned anything new either.
I want my $5 back.
Casino oxygen myth one
I have never believed in that oxygen myth but I'm sure it will never die.
As to card counting, I've generally accepted the 'hard way to make an easy living' theory and the observation that those who have the bank roll usually have the skills to make far more money doing something else.
Yet it has always puzzled me as to why casinos hire zillions of sharp eyed floor men to guard against a myth.

Thanks for the comments. You can tell the film was in progress for a long time by the color of my hair. It was only about 10% grey at the time of my scenes. Now it's 90%.

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♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪
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As to card counting, I've generally accepted the 'hard way to make an easy living' theory and the observation that those who have the bank roll usually have the skills to make far more money doing something else.

I really enjoy reading posts by the APrs here but I can't see myself getting into it unless something just fell in my lap (highly unlikely). All that work and research involved. It's certainly not a lifestyle for most people. I'm always reminded of that scene in the film 'The Sting' ....

Johnny Hooker:How many guys you conned in your life, Henry?
Henry Gondorff:I don't know, 200, 300. Sometimes we played two a day when I was with O'Shea's mob. Of course, Chicago was a rigged town. The fix was in. The dicks took their end without a beef. We had it down to a business. And it really stunk, kid. No sense in being a grifter if it's the same thing as being a citizen.

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Casino Oxygen Myth Meaning

Myths, rumors, and urban legends, are pervasive, silly, almost always wrong. They are also almost impossible to kill. In today’s blog we are going to look at one particular urban legend that is closely linked to the HVAC industry: Casinos pump oxygen into the air to keep people awake, alert, and gleefully gambling. Without further ado, lets dive right into the rumor!

First off, we should establish the fact that this myth is 100 percent false. This doesn’t stop people from talking about it and telling their friends with absolute certainty that it is, in fact, correct. Now that we have that out of the way, let’s learn how and why we know this to be true.

The primary object when it comes to casinos pumping oxygen into the build, is that it is illegal! In fact, members of the Las Vegas Gaming Commission make regular appearances in each casino to test the oxygen levels in the building. They are make sure this exact thing isn’t happening. So there is reason number one.

Casino Oxygen Myth One

Next, let’s talk about the infrastructure that would be required for casinos to pull this off. Las Vegas casinos are MASSIVE. The interior of a typical Vegas casino could be measure at a minimum of 1 million cubic meters. And many are much larger than that. For them to raise the oxygen level by even 1 percent, they would have to pump in about 40,000 cubic meters of oxygen gas each and every day. That would just about require a commercial oxygen plant to be nearby.

Casino Oxygen Myth

Finally, we have to consider the fire hazards. Oxygen is a well-known accelerant, which means it dramatically speeds up the spread of a fire. Pumping oxygen into a crowed casino would be very dangerous indeed.

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